Friday, February 29, 2008
today the day passed dam fast(: missed PE cause of a talk by the principle was quite weird i mean what we wear is our problem why must you ask us to change how we wear the worse one is say if they see us wear coloured bra ask our parents to bring one white one down for us MUST BE MAD! than after that they talk and talk than when we were going back they checked our skirts, socks and hair dam pai seh to clip up my hair haha. than i lost my black clip): twinnie told me say she saw one malay girl picking it up and used it so gross cannot belive she did that... than when the teacher checked me she said my rubber band, clip and socks cannot. ah ya our scool now so troublesome):after that lessons were quite boring until after recess. had geography it was dam funny(: every one was talking about each others parent and stuff. a little biy LAME(: but very funny. after that i think we had chinese there was a test. it was like dam hard when i was only CLB can you imagine if i took normal chinese confirm fail. than i ask one prefect for the answers(: luckily teacher make him move behind. after that GO HOME ALREADY(: had to wait before my parents come): while waiting i was playing with twinnie and sweetie, than got this DUMB ASS go and show me some thing in the phone but than actually take my picture so ugly): after that i was at the class room there and i say the dumb ass he kick the bottle at me and miss than i threw it and hit the door but super close to his head. than after that sway sway i throw again hit his head. than i know i confirm DIE one! than i ran to the carpark there but than he caught up with me than go and press my neck. dunno why all of them like to press the neck siao one. than after that i went home watch tv as like normal days and watch until one show how the people dump their animals): dam sad la got 2 case the animal hungry until only can see the bones): than another one is got this guy go and kill a neighbour hood dog by hitting it's head until it died when it never offend him siao one!! another dog had one eye swollen like crazy than the eye like want to come out already than they give it operation and than lost an eye but than luckily got people adopt the dog(; in the end all the dog recover and most of them got a home(: hope all dogs will be treated with respect. oh ya and tommorrow is ashley's birthday(:
had school today, woke up early and was dead tired): today is the day i take back my geography test. did not think i will do well but i think i will get at least a pass(:today i was playing like mad in class execpt for poa was so tired and every time i hear the teacher mrs tan's voice it is like a song for me to sleep...(ZZZZZ) after that we had chemistry. mr wan brought a student from sec 2 he is like a retard(: hahaha he was like standing outside our class room and was going to climb the railing like a MONKEY(: than they say he smell to much carbon monoxide(i think it is spelt like that) smell to much until siao already. had a english test IT WAS HARD and we only had 1 hour to do the test really hope to pass. my this year PPR english got 52 at least i pass hope to aim higher for my N LEVEL. had geography and go back the test guess what i passs and got 14/25 like my last test(: but i thought u will get higher. after school while waiting for siti and nicole i was with twinnie(: so dam funny!! was playing with her like a mad person after that she make me and i tried to back ehr back she was shouting"MY BACK MY BACK" but actually she was saying"MY BAG MY BAG" haha!! dam funny that finally at 4 plus nicole nad siti finish me headed to the gym and ran(: and had fun(: after every thing we went to have milk tea and we saw some food and ate nicole was saying all the calories we lost have just came back and have even added even more. came home after that and rest(: hope can go with them to the gym again(: was fun(:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
yesterday i was talking with nicole until 9 plus, had to hang up cause of my brother): than she said she will call me back. i knew that i would fall a sleep while waiting and i was rite(: at 2 PM the phone rang and i thought it was nicole BUT it was pig face. was about to ask her why so late than call but before that i saw i picture of a pig before picking it up, luckily i remeber or else so pai seh. chat until... i also cannot remeber haha(: than woke up early watched tv had breakfast than went for class all the way until 5.30. went to a furntiture shop saw so many differnt kind saw one small chair which i like but the lady say alot of people sat on it beofore and it was the last piece, very dirty): than never mind saw another one which was white BUT there was a tear and also last piece so unlucky): we went for dinner after that had chicken rice it was not nice): we than headed to another furniture shop near the car park, my stupid brother was playing like mad, he called me so i turn and the straw in his mouth poked my eye): we than started kicking each other. went home after that than watch tv(:
Friday, February 22, 2008
as normally today was school day but a little different. during POA i cannot remmeber why i was laughing but all i know every day i am laughing(: than after that was maths had a common test which i did not really know how to do i really hope i pass: during chemistry we got back our result for our test guess what, i did improve BUT i still failed by one and a half mark): than i was very tired and i was half a sleep, joey kept on knocking on my table and i would get frighten and they will laugh so pai seh la. than i try to wake myself by write thing but like normal i will sleep haha. than all the way after scool we went to eat before going for training. training was boring all we saw was the stupid coach teaching the sec one. nicole and i than decide to go to red hill to buy milk tea, we walked our way there, got the milk tea and went back. when training was going to end i plucked out a piece of the sponge and stuffed it into nicole smelly shoes than after that she stuffed it into my mouth but missed and i smell it=.= and it stinked(: haaaa! and than we went back so boring like normal and continue to watch tv(:
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
today was like any other day. but yesterday was like mad): was so stress had to do the english and study for geograpghy and chemistry test which was alot and i also forgot about the maths home work): i took SUPER long to do the english when other took only 1 hour plus wonder why had to stay back for physic and geography. while studying geo, one stupid fellow who's name is TAN KAI JUN from the back almost mad me fall while i was sitting on the chair eating my biscut): i was shocked yet scared i will get choke and than i was also laughing and... acutally i think i had alot of emotions during that point of time. we also played with kala's hair and pasted two eyes on her hair and she looked like a fly from the back. oh ya than when we went home me and wei ling went to put the cans into kalas table HAHA! than after that we went to scotch tape the whole table so she cannot take out the cans(: wonder what will her reaction will be(:
Monday, February 18, 2008
haha took this while we were in the lift. i think twinnie thinks that she can finish that HUGE amount of fries(: trying to be funny. but to think of it i think she can cause she was very hungry, but the phrase greedy's the word really fits her some times
oh ya and thanks twinnie for bringing me to play the game(: it was fun as it was my first time BUT very pai seh. although i am just with you, must think i am crazy(:
Sunday, February 17, 2008

today was very fun(: got up at about 9 plus and watch tv(: this is the first time i actually got bored of watching tv. OMG!! haha normally tv will be the love of my life(: than after that went to meet up with si en joey and wei ling to have lunch and than meet up with fazlina. we walked back to tiong and it was dam bloddy hot!! while walking si en suddenly ask me not to look back and i got scared cause i thought there was a bug or some thing and i ran forward but it turned out to be kai jun HAHA. got scared for nothing(: met with kala than went to collect the tins and headed to plaza sing to watch a movie. while we were on the bus wei ling suddenly remembered that we left karen out. but it was not on purpose i guess every one got carried away and forgot. we than met karen near the ticket booth. almost all the show that we wanted to watch were all sold out): in the end we watch jumper BUT it was in the front row): haha but it is better than nothing i guess. while watching the movie we were throwing pop corn all over the place HAHA it was dam funny and the whole floor was filt with pop corn(: when we got out of the theatre it was already 5.30 and we were suppose to return the cans at 5.30. we than took the bus back and reach tiong at about 6.20 i think. and went back home after that. when i met up with my parents at the cake shop i was so giddy i think is because of the movie. went home than went to find twinnie to buy her food than went home again. guess what while checkiing my uniform for thing i found POP CORN inside wonder who is the one that threw it inside(:
Friday, February 15, 2008
today was fun. when i reached school i saw this girl carrying roses as if she was selling it haha(: it was so early and there was hardly any people in scool, wonder what she was doing. i think every one was waiting for school to end so they could go out to spend it with their loved ones(:
when i reached the class room there were hardly any people, but time soon passed and people were coming in with bag with their valentines present(: whent he bell ringed sweetie than soon came in with a bag full of gifts(: and one balloon from retard. THANK YOU sweetie for the lovely card it is so nice execpt for one picture i look weird(: , joey for the photo frame (actually i heard chocolate and was looking forward to eat it after scool), si en and wei ling for the roses, shu ling for the chocolate, and tricia (4i) for the rose petal=.= haha
after scool followed twinnie to buy her gift, BUT she had to stay back for her F&N abd delayed her time. finally when she was done we headed for orchard, we went starit to the shop and guess what the present... NO MORE): we went to their other shop and they also did not have any but they had it in another colour so she decided to buy it(: after that we head home in a cab, i dropped of opposite so i could help twinnie buy wax for him so she will not waste any more of her time as she was kind of late already. after that was kind of planning to go out but it was late already and some more quite pai seh to go(: ahh nicole gan, you very bad leh know i want to see the lion dance you some more call me and let me hear): the worse thing was just now while i was going opposite to buy the wax i saw lion dance but it was the end): what an ass, any way this is the best valentines day i have had so far in my years(: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE(:
when i reached the class room there were hardly any people, but time soon passed and people were coming in with bag with their valentines present(: whent he bell ringed sweetie than soon came in with a bag full of gifts(: and one balloon from retard. THANK YOU sweetie for the lovely card it is so nice execpt for one picture i look weird(: , joey for the photo frame (actually i heard chocolate and was looking forward to eat it after scool), si en and wei ling for the roses, shu ling for the chocolate, and tricia (4i) for the rose petal=.= haha
after scool followed twinnie to buy her gift, BUT she had to stay back for her F&N abd delayed her time. finally when she was done we headed for orchard, we went starit to the shop and guess what the present... NO MORE): we went to their other shop and they also did not have any but they had it in another colour so she decided to buy it(: after that we head home in a cab, i dropped of opposite so i could help twinnie buy wax for him so she will not waste any more of her time as she was kind of late already. after that was kind of planning to go out but it was late already and some more quite pai seh to go(: ahh nicole gan, you very bad leh know i want to see the lion dance you some more call me and let me hear): the worse thing was just now while i was going opposite to buy the wax i saw lion dance but it was the end): what an ass, any way this is the best valentines day i have had so far in my years(: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE(:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
still sick): what an ass(: haha today went to scool and was quite boring as normal. the stupid coach did not come for the training again and there was no nice shuttles. the teaccher in charge is so NIAO): went home and was dead tired and coughing away):
met up with twinnie after that bought my stuff and went home to watch tv(:
met up with twinnie after that bought my stuff and went home to watch tv(:
Saturday, February 9, 2008
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR(: kind of boring went this new year, was staying at home for the past few days, to make it worse i was sick so unlucky ): today went to find my mothers good friend to see her baby, CHOLE. she is sooo cute(: they seemed so busy looking after the baby. after they talked for 45 mins like that we went down thier block to have kuey chap(:not very nice but was quite happy that i could eat it. went back home after that, met up with twinnie and had a good chat(:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I hate this girl she is like a bitch!! She made me look like a bitch but actually she is then the bitch. Very what la, twist the words I say. Just feel like slapping her face when I see her. Shall not talk about the bitch already, today so embarrassing!! The class was very dirty and the teacher asked us to clean it up and I ask kala to clear the dustbin with me, but when she lifted it up there was two dustbins and I pull out the other one and got out of the class. Some how I knew there was nothing inside but than I also dunno why I ran haha. Dam dumb, and than I ran back wards and the teacher shouted at me): she said how dare I empty a EMPTY DUSTBIN (: according to wei ling I made a impossible mission possible (: haha so superbly pai seh than when I went back to class we were laughing over it for almost 40 minutes and the funny thing is we could not stop (: when we looked at each other we just could not stop laughing. Oh ya I am so sorry Tricia I did not mean to make the door hit your hand. Hope it will recover soon (: