today was very fun(: got up at about 9 plus and watch tv(: this is the first time i actually got bored of watching tv. OMG!! haha normally tv will be the love of my life(: than after that went to meet up with si en joey and wei ling to have lunch and than meet up with fazlina. we walked back to tiong and it was dam bloddy hot!! while walking si en suddenly ask me not to look back and i got scared cause i thought there was a bug or some thing and i ran forward but it turned out to be kai jun HAHA. got scared for nothing(: met with kala than went to collect the tins and headed to plaza sing to watch a movie. while we were on the bus wei ling suddenly remembered that we left karen out. but it was not on purpose i guess every one got carried away and forgot. we than met karen near the ticket booth. almost all the show that we wanted to watch were all sold out): in the end we watch jumper BUT it was in the front row): haha but it is better than nothing i guess. while watching the movie we were throwing pop corn all over the place HAHA it was dam funny and the whole floor was filt with pop corn(: when we got out of the theatre it was already 5.30 and we were suppose to return the cans at 5.30. we than took the bus back and reach tiong at about 6.20 i think. and went back home after that. when i met up with my parents at the cake shop i was so giddy i think is because of the movie. went home than went to find twinnie to buy her food than went home again. guess what while checkiing my uniform for thing i found POP CORN inside wonder who is the one that threw it inside(:
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