today was like any other day. but yesterday was like mad): was so stress had to do the english and study for geograpghy and chemistry test which was alot and i also forgot about the maths home work): i took SUPER long to do the english when other took only 1 hour plus wonder why had to stay back for physic and geography. while studying geo, one stupid fellow who's name is TAN KAI JUN from the back almost mad me fall while i was sitting on the chair eating my biscut): i was shocked yet scared i will get choke and than i was also laughing and... acutally i think i had alot of emotions during that point of time. we also played with kala's hair and pasted two eyes on her hair and she looked like a fly from the back. oh ya than when we went home me and wei ling went to put the cans into kalas table HAHA! than after that we went to scotch tape the whole table so she cannot take out the cans(: wonder what will her reaction will be(:
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