today was rather a boring day, just reached home and had my super early dinner(: let's see oh ya ah nie cheer up every thing is over, THINK POSTIVE!! why think of the bad points when there are so many more good points? i think the world is mad this few days the weather seems to be super hot, and to add on top of the bad weather, our class air con is spoilt too, it is like dam hard to concentrate on my studies when the weather is so hot!!! hope the contractors will help us fix the air con(: oh ya today during recess there were so many police in our scool, i think they were here regarding yesterdays problem. after that we had a super borng lesson call social studies, i was rather surprised i was able to pass my mini test(: when scool ended, we had geography remidal and ended early(: went to have lunch with sweetie and headed back to class, went back to 4e to find nicole and we were drawing about the movie we watched previously called"hottie and naughtie" it was dam funny(: wonder if nicole erased it off(: will know tommorrow(: after that my father came fetch me and i head back to bishan to get some dinner and while waiting for my father to get it i was packing the car cause it was super messy i found so many of my socks in a compartment infront of wear i seat, no wonder i could not find my socks at home the BEST thing is the socks did not stink(: (seriously) headed back to the other house and had dinner, GOING TO STUDY SOOOON, after the LAST EPISODE OF AH WANG:D
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
TODAY IS SUPER BORING, every moment i close my eyes, two things comes up in my mind, sleep and study(cause exams are on the 2nd of may which is this friday!!) now relaxing after studying geography for 10 mins cannot take, i really wish i can fix my mind onto all the work): still have not studied for the other sujects but i confirm fail my physic, social studies(not sure). english i must buck up. ah ya all i want now is to pass my N level really hope i can. going to play with the dogs now then continue to study BYE(((;
Friday, April 25, 2008
have not been blogging for many days already,
let me start by saying there is a teacher in scool, all i can say about him is he sucks! he is like a bloody ass): last tuesday is a very superly lousy day can say as it sucks! the stupid teacher caught me and si min for our shirts, just because it came out a little bit then he asked us to go in front and stand so faceless la! then ok he after that ask us to stand at the foyer, for 2 hours that means until our break time what a ass. but on that day we had pe and it was our 2.4, so he asked us to run. BETTER THEN STANDING THERE SEEING HIS FACE! every thing was finally over after recess but actually, me and joey also had some things bad again cause the day before we had to copy out a whole article because we were talking, he gave us countless times warning but we still ignored him. finally he asked us to copy it out): we were suppose to stay back and copy it out but instead we left, so that day(tuesday) we had to copy the article two times):so we did, after that is was ss and the stupid teacher was going to come in, he went round asking everyone questions, and finally asked me and i could not answer it he made me copy out the whole of chapter 6, 3 TIMES!! what the hell, i just copied finish my english and now this, some other people also had the same treatment as me, except for one, i dunno what she said then the teacher asked the class if they were ok with it and all she had to copy was the whole of chapter 6 too but only 1 time. lucky for her but then the teacher was like dam buyers la!! ok thats the end of my sucky day. on friday we ahd speech day, it was fun(: we were release at 11.30 if i am not wrong, went to find sharlottle and nicole than headed of to cinleasure(think is spelt like that) we bought tickets to hottie naughtie haha it was dam funny(: we then met up with hui ling to have our dinner, met her at pasta mania, had my favourite then took a cab to the singapore poly where the speech day was held, it was quite boring in there, the place was very packed, the event was held as if it was a super big speech like we watch on the tv where all the ministers talk, after that many things happened, ermm like when ah nie wanted to show me a picute of a dog i took the phone and pressed some thing and her song was played, it was rather quiet while the song was playing so pai seh la!! haha left the place at 11 plus went back with nicole then my parents picked me up from there(: ok let me start with today, ermm had chinese oral not very stress cause what ever the marks are it will just be a pass or a undergrade. oh ya yesterday i had engish oral OMG that one i was scared i really hope i will pass i was like reading and sniffing away as i was having a slight flu, the tester then asked me where will be a place where you family enjoyed most, as a conversational question, i then told her about the trip to china i could nver forget it, i told her about the dogs being sold to people but not for keeping but for eating so sad): it seems that she was disgusted but lets hope i really pass.
oh ya ah nie hope you pass you fNn have not seen you so into some thing fo a long time other then your food(breakfast) oh ya all also includes food(: you are th next jug head(:
let me start by saying there is a teacher in scool, all i can say about him is he sucks! he is like a bloody ass): last tuesday is a very superly lousy day can say as it sucks! the stupid teacher caught me and si min for our shirts, just because it came out a little bit then he asked us to go in front and stand so faceless la! then ok he after that ask us to stand at the foyer, for 2 hours that means until our break time what a ass. but on that day we had pe and it was our 2.4, so he asked us to run. BETTER THEN STANDING THERE SEEING HIS FACE! every thing was finally over after recess but actually, me and joey also had some things bad again cause the day before we had to copy out a whole article because we were talking, he gave us countless times warning but we still ignored him. finally he asked us to copy it out): we were suppose to stay back and copy it out but instead we left, so that day(tuesday) we had to copy the article two times):so we did, after that is was ss and the stupid teacher was going to come in, he went round asking everyone questions, and finally asked me and i could not answer it he made me copy out the whole of chapter 6, 3 TIMES!! what the hell, i just copied finish my english and now this, some other people also had the same treatment as me, except for one, i dunno what she said then the teacher asked the class if they were ok with it and all she had to copy was the whole of chapter 6 too but only 1 time. lucky for her but then the teacher was like dam buyers la!! ok thats the end of my sucky day. on friday we ahd speech day, it was fun(: we were release at 11.30 if i am not wrong, went to find sharlottle and nicole than headed of to cinleasure(think is spelt like that) we bought tickets to hottie naughtie haha it was dam funny(: we then met up with hui ling to have our dinner, met her at pasta mania, had my favourite then took a cab to the singapore poly where the speech day was held, it was quite boring in there, the place was very packed, the event was held as if it was a super big speech like we watch on the tv where all the ministers talk, after that many things happened, ermm like when ah nie wanted to show me a picute of a dog i took the phone and pressed some thing and her song was played, it was rather quiet while the song was playing so pai seh la!! haha left the place at 11 plus went back with nicole then my parents picked me up from there(: ok let me start with today, ermm had chinese oral not very stress cause what ever the marks are it will just be a pass or a undergrade. oh ya yesterday i had engish oral OMG that one i was scared i really hope i will pass i was like reading and sniffing away as i was having a slight flu, the tester then asked me where will be a place where you family enjoyed most, as a conversational question, i then told her about the trip to china i could nver forget it, i told her about the dogs being sold to people but not for keeping but for eating so sad): it seems that she was disgusted but lets hope i really pass.
oh ya ah nie hope you pass you fNn have not seen you so into some thing fo a long time other then your food(breakfast) oh ya all also includes food(: you are th next jug head(:
Sunday, April 13, 2008
today is such a boring day): GOT WOKEN UP BY SOME THING CALL NOISE!! so noisy leh! cannot sleep): my neighbour was like drilling like mad at 9.57): so angry HOW TO SLEEP? ah ya then lied on the bed with the music blasting in my ear, and i still could hear the drilling): met up with ah nie to eat breakfast, we went to ang mo kio ate then left(: really dun feel like going for art actually but then i still had to go): i was so tired thanks to my neighbours. went for art in the end it was boring like mad. drew for a while then did my word search haha luckily i brought it was so boring cause i did not have my research so i was like there for no reason, had to pay $14 dollars for my canvas too): so expensive, recently so much money has been spent, one for my class tee which cost $33 then another $27 plus for two books for my tuition and still waiting for another one): came home then ate pizza so happy(: i hate my neighbour):(the new house one) they are like dam sucks la! they are like complaining for very stupid things like your house is making the rain water go onto my roof, OMG their house i the FIRST HOUSE i have ever heard that when it rains the water does not touch your roof , LIKE A BLOODY LAMER, some more say our gate does not fit our house please la who is the owner of the house you or my parents? and they also just walk in with out any permisson i really feel like putting nails on the floor, let them walk in and step on it, but i confirm will feel very bad one cause they are pld people. ah ya they dun say us then we will be good neighbours what, they asked for it. GOING TO WATCH TV(:
Monday, April 7, 2008
today i went to the national art gallery. IT WAS BORING! but then the food part was quite nice:D the food was like dam expensive than we saw a wall filt with many cups, spoon, filter and some thing for the toilet dunno what is that. then i went to create some thing:D ok after that i left the place then went to have dinner at a bukit timah or was it bukit timah, we had steam boat it was so nice(: after that we went to the meg suan to set up some cup boards it was fun:D went home at 11 then when we came home angel left some thing for my brother;D it was a cross shit haha! so funny! everyone was like laughing like mad... ok i go sleep already:D GOOOOODDDD NIGGGHHHTTTT:)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
today is cross country:D woke up at 5.15 so tired): went to meet up with joey and nicole then headed to tiong to eat mac, when we reached and met up with hui ling, sharlotte, hui ling and adele, when i had my first bite of the stupid burger i felt like vomiting): and did, after that i ate half the burger and did not feel like eating it any more. left for the japanese garden, took the mrt there it was quite a short trip. when we reached there the whole mrt was kind of filt with queens town people:D when we reached there we went to the assembly area and waited... still waited... wating.. finally our turn to run/walk. it was quite funny while we were walking half way nicole and joey suddenly wanted to run to get the tokens so we did. and we got the token, some more got 2 :D than we decide to walk again cause waasting our energy haha. while walking we saw some one from our scool in between a patch of grass he was... doing tai chi! haha it was dam funny, then after that he ran to the front and squat down on the floor acting as if he was transparent and after that he would stand up and frighten the people haha! so funny. after every thing me, nicole, xue yi, pearlyn went to vivo, but than joey tagged along to head to outram. when we were in the mrt 3 people were like emoing): so sad! after that joey left the mrt, after a while we reached vivo. we were planning to watch a movie actually orphanage BUT it was at 12.30 AM haha so late then we watched spiderwick, it was at 2.50 so we went to the sky garden to rest, after a while melissa, tricia and hui ling came up and rested too, the guard came by and told us that we could not sleep haha dam funny! FINALLY IT WAS 2.30 we headed to the movie theater and got seated. the movie was not bad but nicole found it boring. after that nicole and i went to her house, i had to stay at her house until 8.30 cause my parents were busy. at 6.30 we went to red hill to have dinner i finally got to see the god thing, while watching nicole suddenly said she saw some one from our scool but it turned out to be a BELATED april fools trip. lamer eh she. finally i am at home:D
Friday, April 4, 2008
today there was a poa test, from knowing nothing after 1 hours it becam i know almost every thing so happy just wish i will pass, ermm let's see morning nothing much happened, afternoon ate with nicole , wei ling and hui ling. eat already we headed to bukit merah to pei hui ling to the bank, after that it was raining like MAD and it has been a very long time since i have been drenched.our bodies were all wet it was so cold when we went into the class. tommorrow is cross country(: hope it will be fun
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS(: was quite funny. ok had to wake up super early to head to scool cause the car broke down ask my father to wake me up at 5.15 he woke me up at 5.03 LOLS but i was already awake cause i was so stress. wondering i would i be able to pass my geography test i really did not have the mood to study): than reached scool at 6 plus i think, when i went into the class, darling bluff me): haha she said my shirt was ot button than i really thought it was real than quickly ran out and check cause i will never know which button is not button properly haha than i check all was fine, when i went back in she said" happy april fools day" haha. the day pass dam fast, luckily pe was not 2.4 or else i would be dead): okok let's see skip until after scool. i playing and studying for geography than nicole, joey and i were playing like mad(: than i threw the water bottle and hit carilyn's head i bet it was very pain luckily it was not a full bottle, any way after that she went to pour alot of water onto me): waa that timing i was so upset but than yet laughing cause i shirt was all wet, my my skirt and shirt was wet even my shorts were a little wet. but any way did have fun. after that went home with ah nie. was dam sleepy and i knocked my head against the window so many times haha, did not dare to put my head against the window cause i scared it was dirty. back home going to shower now(: