today is cross country:D woke up at 5.15 so tired): went to meet up with joey and nicole then headed to tiong to eat mac, when we reached and met up with hui ling, sharlotte, hui ling and adele, when i had my first bite of the stupid burger i felt like vomiting): and did, after that i ate half the burger and did not feel like eating it any more. left for the japanese garden, took the mrt there it was quite a short trip. when we reached there the whole mrt was kind of filt with queens town people:D when we reached there we went to the assembly area and waited... still waited... wating.. finally our turn to run/walk. it was quite funny while we were walking half way nicole and joey suddenly wanted to run to get the tokens so we did. and we got the token, some more got 2 :D than we decide to walk again cause waasting our energy haha. while walking we saw some one from our scool in between a patch of grass he was... doing tai chi! haha it was dam funny, then after that he ran to the front and squat down on the floor acting as if he was transparent and after that he would stand up and frighten the people haha! so funny. after every thing me, nicole, xue yi, pearlyn went to vivo, but than joey tagged along to head to outram. when we were in the mrt 3 people were like emoing): so sad! after that joey left the mrt, after a while we reached vivo. we were planning to watch a movie actually orphanage BUT it was at 12.30 AM haha so late then we watched spiderwick, it was at 2.50 so we went to the sky garden to rest, after a while melissa, tricia and hui ling came up and rested too, the guard came by and told us that we could not sleep haha dam funny! FINALLY IT WAS 2.30 we headed to the movie theater and got seated. the movie was not bad but nicole found it boring. after that nicole and i went to her house, i had to stay at her house until 8.30 cause my parents were busy. at 6.30 we went to red hill to have dinner i finally got to see the god thing, while watching nicole suddenly said she saw some one from our scool but it turned out to be a BELATED april fools trip. lamer eh she. finally i am at home:D
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