bestie starring at her fish eggss

Went out with nicole on tuesday!(: went to amk first then off to her house. I actually wanted to surprise her by going up to her house when i told her to meet at the bus stop. But instead she called me and told me that she was already at the bus stop, and stupidly i told her that i actually wanted to surprise her. GUESS WHAT! she was not even down yet! she was still at home. HAHAH super liar! then when i reached her door, there was a note saying" CLOSE! :) we have shifted" HAHAHA! i was like laughing and then tried to call her phone but she kept hanging up and even if she did pick up she would talk in a funny tone. Made me stand outside like a fool, her neighbour was like staring at me. Finally she opened the door, lauging. Reached sakae sushi at 2, just nice for our lunch and it turned out that the buffet only starts at 3. So we walked around, headed to diaso then pet lovers and i got some pet doughnuts!(: IT LOOKS SO NICE! the sales person said that she actually ate one yesterday cause she was very hungry, but the taste was normal. haha! on our way to the restaurant we saw si en, (so coool!) so we asked her to come along with us, but she needed to meet her friend so could only sit around for a while. woohooo! i was starving, but for bestie? no clue she was FULL. Took many ugly candid photos and laughed till we dropped, we really ate a lot! i actually have many candid photos to upload but in the end i decided not to. TOOO UGLY! if nicole did not take those candid shots, i will never know that i was actually that retarded. Playing with food having all the funny weird expressions! but the other photos will be uploaded:D headed back to her place and homeeee!(: Now watching c.s.i it was nice! really the story was so cool! but someone got fired, sad case. Today, homeeeeee is where i'm gonna be. oh ya i cut my fringe yesterday AND only today then i just relised that it was too short and it look funny, si en said that i looked like a "ah toot" hahah, then in some photos i noticed that i did not cut a small part of my hair and it was longer than the rest. Fringe, faster grow before school starts(:
in love with the song "band aid"
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