you seems so far away.
ah nie was talking about what's the difference between someone loving you and you loving some one.
so many reason!
firstly if you love this person, you will be willing to swim across the alantic ocean for him/her. but it would be the opposite if the person loves you. but some people just take advantage of the whole thing. these people=mother fuckers! why can't they just leave the person alone? some times i just feel that guys are so fucked up. SOME! not all. they can say one thing and do another thing. infront of you be an angel but behind, a person you never met before. how weird can it be? ok maybe some girls are like that? i dont know. i have never come across any so far. haha. someone was asking me why does it seem that i keep finding fault in guys. actually i don't they make me have these impression of them, i did not go and dig up a whole lot of information for the sake of them. they behave that way, so i talk about it. their actions and comments are just so insulting some times. but of course there are girls who asked for it. no comments about that. hah! really no offense. of course there a guy out there who are the total opposite..
now on the web cam with the retarded tricia;D haha!!
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