ok:D let me start of with yesterday, HAPPY NATIONAL DAY:D

after that mush headed home while me and ah nie headed to marina to find pearlyn, once we reached there when we were about to reach the resturant i saw some one and i got a shock so i pull ah nie and walked super fast. but in the end they caught up. so we stood int he middle of no where for super long and finally they decided to have dinner at thomson there(: roti prata:D ok the bus ride was rather long and there were many people, finally when we reacheed there we went to have our dinner according to ah nie the prata was good(: then some how manage to convience my mother to let them come over to the house(: it was kind of fun we reached home around 12 plus we chatted until 1 plus while waiting for retards dad to come, we talked about ghost story and more ghost story haha!
10 AUGUST 2008
i LOVE this day(: haha ok fine, woke up had breakfast with ah nie then went to study at her house: did not really study much but at least manage to study a little:D we went to the national library to return some book then headed to her house again and not long my father came to fetch me thank goodness or else i had to go back myself and i really did not feel like , too lazy(: ok, finally reached home then had a super early dinner, manage to catch the fire works on the tv(: it was nice. too bad we missed it yesterday. now fathers old friends are in the house chatting, and dogs are barking-.- super noisy, no peace now going shhhhhhhh! non stop like a fool...
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